Friday, May 4, 2012

Talk face to face right from Gmail

Are you viewing YouTube videos or flip through a family album, you see, you like watching real events. And as webcams have become part of our everyday lives, more people are seeking to use video to communicate. Today we present the voice and video chat Gmail, which allows for free to see his companion in the comfort of Gmail mailbox.

Using video chat from Gmail is as easy as sending an instant message. It's really handy tool is very helpful in working together in our team, scattered in different offices around the world Google. Simply click on the new menu ' Video \u0026 more ' in the Gmail chat window and select ... You can switch to full screen view or open a separate chat window, changing its size and position as desired. Of course, not all yet have a web camera, but everyone is now possible to talk through Gmail, along with the traditional exchange of letters and chat.

Watch this short video to learn more:.

Voice and video chat in Gmail will appear around the world in the next few days for the Mac and PC. On first use, you will be prompted to download and install a small plug-in. To begin, go to. www. gmail. com / videochat. or log in to the menu ... Learn more at. Gmail Blog.

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