Friday, May 25, 2012

About her daughter

Today my wife called and said that her daughter will be performing at the final concert of music schools. Her teacher asked the student to see the commission and they were shocked, and said that everything is very good and it is very clever. To help you check out the complexity of the problem: my daughter 5 years old, she walks in music schools almost a year.

Even my daughter can read the age of 3, write and count to 4 years. When she was 4 years old, we bought her a mobile phone. At first she called, just finding names in a notebook. Now she scored herself the names and phone numbers.

Everyone thinks of her pussycat, and clever, but actually it is a very intelligent, freedom-loving and clever Monster. In general, all in me.

We never tried to instill in children a particular character, we gave them the knowledge and capabilities. And the character they have developed themselves. Just so they do not fall out of society, had just set the frame - complete reliability from their parents, too, the benefit is not.

Therefore, we often hear that our children are not educated. But I somehow parallel to the. But our children will never tell me - 'Dad, I'm sorry for all my life, not tried. 'Or' I want, but you were against - I'll never forgive you this is not. '. IMHO, the best gift I will be in old age.

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