Saturday, May 12, 2012

And who is investing in Ukraine?

The volume of direct investments into economy of Ukraine from the European Union (EU) on 1 July this year amounted to. $ 37.7 billion. Compared to the same period last year. an increase of 19.3%.

According to the State Service of Statistics of Ukraine, the main investor countries of the EU, accounting for more than 83 % of the total investments of a united Europe is:.

Cyprus - $ 11.619 billion. (. 30.8%. the total investment from the EU ).
Germany - $ 7.365 billion. (19.5 %),.
Netherlands - $ 4.779 billion. (12.7 %),.
Austria - $ 2.856 billion. (7.6 %),.
France - $ 2.385 billion. (6.3% ) and.
United Kingdom - $ 2.348 billion. (6.2%).

34.2% of direct investment from EU countries were sent to industry.
Among the sectors of processing industry significant amounts of investment flowed into metallurgical production and fabricated metal products, in food processing, beverages, tobacco products, chemical and petrochemical industry. The financial institutions accumulated 32.4% of direct investments in companies engaged in real estate operations, leasing, engineering and services businesses - 10%. At the enterprises of trade, car repairs, household goods and personal effects had to be 9.4%.

Investors from Cyprus industrial enterprises invested $ 3.151 billion. (27.1% of total investments from the country ), in organizations and institutions engaged in financial activities, - $ 2, 204 billion. (19.0 %) and real estate operations, leasing, engineering and services businesses - $ 2.103 billion. (18.1%). From Germany and the Netherlands in the enterprise industry received $ 5.422 billion. (73.6 %) and $ 1.993 billion. (41.7 % ), respectively, including processing - $ 5.383 billion. (73.1 %) and $ 1.710 billion. (35.8 %). Investors from Austria and France all made ​​investments in financial institutions - $ 2.034 billion. (71.2 %) and $ 2.016 billion. (84.6% ), respectively. From the UK organizations involved in real estate operations, leasing, engineering and services businesses, invested $ 553.3 million. (23.6 %) in the enterprise industry - $ 550.3 million. (23.4 %), as well as trade, repair of motor vehicles, household goods and personal items - $ 446.6 million. (19.0 %).

... If we remove the privatization of ... total volume of foreign direct investment remains virtually the same as last year. that is. no. significant growth and improvement has not occurred. , ... He pointed out that much of the investment still continues to go from Cyprus and other offshore.

... At the same time, Mr. Acorn said that not all the investments that come from Cyprus, are Ukrainian. ... In particular, Russia's Alfa Bank, which is represented in Ukraine, according to the National Bank of ownership is formally owned by a Cypriot company, ...
Recall that in regard to Ukraine is an agreement concluded by the USSR and the Republic of Cyprus, for the avoidance of double taxation. Thanks to this agreement are exempt from paying taxes any, arising in the territory of Ukraine or Cyprus, the revenues that are transferred from one country to another and allow the display of billions of dollars of Ukraine. Today, countries are negotiating a new agreement, which lasts for many years.

Note the volume of investments into economy of Ukraine of the EU on July 1, 2011. is $ 6.574 billion. , Or 94.8% of total investments from Ukraine ( July 1, 2010. - $ 6.459 billion. - 95.5% ), of which $ 6.389 billion. sent in Cyprus (97.2 % of the total investment in the EU ). The second and third place in terms of investment occupied Latvia and Poland, in economics, respectively, which received $ 87.0 million. and $ 51.1 million.

... According to him, the investment climate in the country ...

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