Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A short report from iForum 2011

iForum ended. Spent a lot of effort was conducted a couple of experiments, some of them ended well, other forced to draw correct conclusions.
The event itself will not describe who was the one he saw everything with my own eyes, who was not - it is easy to see in the video - all written, everything will be online.
As in the past year, I was responsible for the section ...
What's planned:.

- Release is not much dressed girls on the stand to allow the Internet to touch the beautiful figures. Many of them are too shy, and it was hoped that the opportunity to take photos with not much dressed pretty girls - it's a good photo on Facebook. (joke).
- We all know that tusovka anyone trying to do business on the Internet is divided, one part hard- focused on building local businesses, work independently, and the transformation of business into a milch cow, and the other sharpened to build a business involving investments and focused on the sale of this business. This party is rarely intersect, and we Olshansky and company are making efforts to unite them. To do this, I put together the panel, representing different camps.
- When I increased the slot section with two. 5:00 to 4:00, I'm not very happy, because in my opinion, the amount of useful information in the section does not depend on the time of the section. When I started to pick the time, I'm not opposed to it, and followed the plan prescribed in advance. The concept of time instead of the panels, which spread out Panelists idea of ​​the tree, we decided to use a half-hour slots that allow the floor to give the panelist is not more than three times during the panel.
- Despite the fact that our tusovka only limited English proficiency, I have decided to make one panel in English.

On the last night before iForum, I decided to use a good exercise, which I was taught Ilya Strebulaev, professor of Stanford Business School. This made ​​it impossible to sleep more than 2 hours before the event, but gave a good effect.
Before the beginning of the panel, I do not unintentionally asked who would be in the past, iForum, who was then in our section, and who remembers where I started? . Exercise consisted in the fact that the scene carried a container with small change. Viewers were asked to rate how much money there, and try to buy the bank so that the transaction was fair to them. Bank received the one who gave more money at the same time believing that he has received benefits. Bank went for 300 USD. No one, including me, did not know how much there was no money. I knew only my son, who promised until a certain time, keep a secret.
After that, I said that 300 USD will go to the person who guesses the amount of writing on the back of his business cards. These small cards collected and picked out a business card, on which stands the figure of 71. Yes, that is how much money was in the bank. After that, I said that the bank in detail were the coin 5 francs (about 40 UAH ), one U.S. dollar, 2 euro cent ( hit chance), and a chip from the conference Techcrunch 50 2008 (for example, that such a chip may not have values . Because of this, 200, paid for from the bank to UAH, out in favor of the cards with the sum of UAH 71, and 100 were divided between those who have proposed a variant of about 118 USD.
The moral of this part of the exercise was that neither the dealer (who has a bank) is not an investor, who pays for it, have no idea what value has a start. From this point of view about the amount of bargaining - bargaining is not what. The main thing in this together and get the money from this bank all the money, as well as realize the value of non-monetary contents of the banks and worthy monetize it.
When dissected the exercise was finished, I said he was not in vain in the beginning asked if anyone remembers where I started last time. And the last time I asked everyone to stand up and check who is under the seats of the two envelopes with $ 10 or one of two envelopes, which is a note, ... The last time the people could not find one of three envelopes, and money had gone in favor of the movers Exhibition Centre ( the last time was 05/10/50 Euro). Of this exercise was two O. First - we are surrounded by opportunities, we just do not see them. Second - we do not teach, even the fact that the last time it had already passed and very cunning could before the start of a run on the chairs .
After that, I asked how this part of the section ( with exercises ) was helpful? . Then I asked my assistant principal in the event to give some money as a thank you. As a result, low- assembled exactly 0 UAH, 0 cents. What upset him, but gave him to understand me and to all participants the panel that the vast majority of people do not appreciate nifiga what they learn something. And then the answer to the question of why we do Startup Crash Test Free. For some, even a conditional admission is an insurmountable barrier. And for a child - that you can not rely on anyone and you can earn money only on what is to establish specific Velho, without which the others can not do.
I'll try to make a short video of these exercises, to put it separately from the panel. A very significant.
The outcome of panels can be called, what, all ( and investors and entrepreneurs ):.
When you start the project, we must rely on their strength, and the investor can and should be connected later, and only on condition that it is indispensable. And this was agreed to by all members of both key panels, all the camps of our entrepreneurs and investors.
The other topics - the importance of working with fidbekom from the consumer, getting investment - is a partnership, not a deal, and others - already battered and hackneyed themes that repeatedly voiced.
At this time we had guests from Russia, and Europe. Hall on the English bar almost asleep, and some went. The next time the panel will put the British in the late. In fact, the correct conclusion from the panel - if you do not have English, it should be taught 90% of the experience and knowledge in this area - in English.
Well, the last panel, we're a little propiarilis against Microsoft and Tsisko:).
The bulk of business cards that we have collected - gave no stand, namely, the exercise with a jar:).
Many thanks to the organizers and Olshansky himself for having made ​​such a big deal. Thanks to everyone who visited our section.
Special thanks to the speakers who shared their experiences.
And finally:.
Welcome to our new session in the incubator -.
Come to us for. Startup Crash Test.
Subscribe to. my newsletter.
Visit us on the. Entrepreholic.
And on. Investor Day. (50 % discount for those who have registered for this week ).

If anyone has a post about our section - write in the comments - I 'll give a link to the update.

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