Sunday, April 22, 2012

Cars in Latin America

In Latin America, well developed, not only agriculture, but many industries, the underlying growth rate which determines the country's so-called ... Now Latin America 's largest car manufacturers completely different brands. Here are concentrated the production of such companies as «Volkswagen», «Reno», «Honda», «Fiat», «Ford», and many others. Car production in Latin America reached such a scale that not only fully met the demand of the population of the region, but also the cars are exported in large quantities for export.

The largest car manufacturer in Latin America - Brazil. This industry is the largest and most well equipped in the entire country's economy. Automotive industry is about ten percent of the total GDP of Brazil. In addition the number of assembled cars, Brazil is not only the first among Latin American countries, but also the eighth largest in the world. In the automotive market of this country are virtually all brands of major companies. Every year, Brazil produced about eight million cars.

The share of the company «Volkswagen» have thirty percent, the second place with twenty-six percent is «Fiat», «General Motors» Twenty-one percent owned, but on «Mercedes-Benz» represent only two percent of all cars produced. The global financial crisis has hit the industry very much, because seventy percent of cars produced in Brazil, purchased with funds obtained on credit. Previously, auto dealers are required only fifteen percent of the total price and credit was given for up to seven years, in 2009, the same strip down payment has risen to thirty percent, and began to give credit to no more than five years. All this has lowered the demand for cars. In these difficult economic environment was very important to not over- reach, that would have led to lower volumes and continued firing workers. But in the automotive industry involved one hundred twenty thousand people, in addition, many work in factories producing various components. In this regard, the state of Brazil has taken steps to increase credit availability and reduce the level of commitment. Therefore, it is expected that in 2010, the automotive industry will experience a rise. In addition, in 2014 Brazil will be the World Cup, which has a positive impact on infrastructure, which in turn have a positive impact on the automotive industry.

Mexico, although it does not exceed the volume of cars produced in Brazil, renowned for the quality of cars assembled there. In addition, this country is first of all in Latin America are interested in the large car companies. Already in the thirties of last century built factories here «General Motors», «Ford», and «Chrysler». And in the sixties were built enterprises producing automobiles «Nissan» «Volkswagen». Soon other major car monopoly turned their attention to Mexico. Currently in this country, besides those already mentioned, going to car brands «Honda», «Toyota», «BMW» and «Mercedes-Benz». As mentioned earlier, Mexico has an amazing quality of cars produced. First of all this influenced by the fact that in the mid -twentieth century, together with the companies producing cars here have opened branches in many European companies that manufacture technologically complex components. Second, Mexico is not only collects cars, but also participates in many scientific and technical developments in this area. The enterprises of the automotive work tens of thousands of people in Puebla alone there seventy small businesses that are involved in the assembly of cars «Volkswagen». Every year, Mexico produced two million cars. However, growth in the automotive industry in this country is highly dependent on the U.S.. Therefore, at the peak of the global financial crisis, Mexican producers had a hard time, because most cars are going to export to the United States, and demand for cars, compared to pre-crisis period, there is still reduced.

The third largest producer of cars in Latin America - Argentina. In terms of production of this country is second only to Brazil and Mexico. But despite this, the number of produced cars is not comparable with the number of vehicles assembled in Mexico and Brazil. Every year in Argentina produced two hundred thousand cars. As in the other two leading countries in Latin America automotive industry, the sector occupied by foreign monopolies, the largest of which is «Fiat», «General Motors», «Reno» and «Ford». However, in Argentina, unlike Brazil, where the cars are manufactured in many states, a very high concentration of such enterprises is observed only in Cordoba and Buenos Aires. The growth of the automotive industry causes the increase in the number of ... In Argentina, a very well developed oil and gas industry, and therefore dependent on the automotive industry company-producers of polyethylene, acetates, synthetic rubber and other petrochemical products. In general, the automotive industry and the enterprises that manufacture a variety of parts and components, employs forty thousand people. In Argentina, the crisis has also adversely affected the industry, some companies even have had to close, but now, the volume of production cars come in pre-crisis state. Demand for cars in Argentina has always been big enough, because the Argentines are very fond of driving, but a recent study of eighty percent of drivers have no knowledge of traffic rules.

The presence of the largest companies in the automotive market monopolies in Latin America led to the almost complete absence of enterprises producing local brands. It is therefore very encouraging to see that some Latin American companies are also trying to win back market share. These enterprises include the Brazilian «Obvio!», Which tries to attract the attention of buyers an unusual design, small size cars, which is very convenient for movement along the narrow streets in the city and the environment in mind. Many cars «Obvio!» Are only two places, and some of the plus and three -wheel, in addition they all have the unusual paint finishes, the colors ranging from sky-blue and acid green to orange. These ...

Recently, the views of the domestic automobile industry flocked to Latin America. For example, to collect ... Also, another Russian company ... But the Russian cars are unlikely to create significant competition with other companies producers in Latin America. Because, unfortunately, our cars have a low level of quality, comfort, safety and design. However, despite all the shortcomings, the advantage is still with Russian Machines will they be able to entice a buyer relatively low cost. In any case, the desire to go to Latin America from Russian companies, car manufacturers, it is understandable and justified, because even in the face of financial crisis, the region is one of the most promising markets in the world.