Sunday, April 1, 2012

School bablorubov - announcement announcement

courses. enough time has passed, let alone issues recently in the ICQ was not just a lot, but a lot of. So let me announce the opening of. school for noobs.

First, change the format of courses. From now on it will be a school with a constant participation. At any time you can make a payment. Or, conversely, do not pay for and take off.

Each student has access to a closed blog that will only step by step article how to do this or that. Very primitive, very stupid and very easy. In addition, comments can ask any question the most stupid question on the topic during the day and get an answer from me.

Plus, each student receives a free host to test. Plus a domain RU at no cost to the student's data is the same test. Plus the opportunity to ask me a question, not only in the comments, but in ICQ or Skype (if I'm online).

In addition, I will try to arrange the possibility of group chat on Skype.

What you will learn:.
- Buy and choose the domains.
- Rent and pick up hosting.
- Make simple and not very sites.
- Make money on these sites.
- Navigate the world of affiliate, any affiliate,.
- Exotic: dory, adult, dating,.
- Make money on services that you do yourself to others.
- Blogs from creation to earnings.
And everything else that I deem it necessary, or do you suggest.

Frequency of lectures - one week minimum. The subscription price of the school - 10WMZ/nedelya. Minimum payment - 3 weeks for the first month and 4 weeks, starting from the second.

The price includes:.
- All the lectures ( as applicable) in the blog. Lectures will not be shared and incremental domzadanie.
- The possibility of any zadalbyvat the most stupid questions during the day.
- hosting.
- The domain as a gift in your name ( the extension of one year - 115rub. ).
- Avtoblog license - it will train.

The best will be invited to co-operate or an idea for further development.

The number of participants is limited capacity blogger. com - all 100 people. RSS turned off. Applications can be sent to. masterxbablorub @ gmail. com. or ICQ. Access to the blog is to Mayluu. T. e. One mail - an ACC. Because there are so smart things like Google Analytics, you save money and buy an ACC school at 10 will not work. This is me for nulleda and others like them.

Do not treat the school as a - popped -download- happy - learned. The main value of these pieces - is the transfer of knowledge by word of mouth ( in the comments or via instant messenger ). The usefulness and quality can be asked of those who passed the first five courses for newbies.

The name is already reserved:. babloschool. blogspot. com. But now, just accept applications for participation (in. masterxbablorub @ gmail. com. ). Planned start - next week.

Sign up. to update the blog with one click!. Read on Twitter!. ::. Advertising blog.

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