Monday, April 2, 2012

Feminotsentrizm as it is

If they hear a compliment to your address. It is almost always take it for wanting to have sex. I venture to dissuade the lovely ladies really want to have sex no more than one of the three (although depending on age ), a simple courtesy, the second sex often enough to want all the women and he was just flirting. The third really wants to, but not the fact that too much.

Where does this belief in their sex appeal? . That seems to be everywhere second part, and go and do you - first claim.

Is there such a thing as. ' policy of spaced legs '. Put simply, the women always have a weapon, even if she's naked. For centuries, the belief in these arms raised in a society. What would not want a woman, she can achieve anything by simply agreeing to. Or, cleverly giving ( not giving ) - here, who had studied at the.

In general, I agree with teoriets. EOP. But that is not part of what is exclusively the prerogative of women. It is believed that a man always wants and the woman is much less. Nevertheless, women, although rarely, but admit that they want no less and sometimes more frequently. Just for women is important object of the will. But it is not about women's sexual psychology, we started a conversation. And that woman is by some accepted dogma considers himself a higher being because she is a woman, not because the smarter, stronger, prettier, etc. Dr..

For example, no one and does not challenge such things as:.
- Exclusive rights to the children together.
- Women are always weaker, so the woman should be given preference.
- A woman known to be economical.
- Woman careful around.

I know shocking and amazing mothers fathers. Did you see women who are afraid in battle. As for the last two - for 10 years, I have not met any normal lady - here, men and women roughly equaled in recent years. As for accuracy - about the same. IMHO, there is nothing in what the woman would be unique, except for sexual characters and pregnancy - m. e. purely physiological differences.

So why is a woman convinced that she wants, just because she gave a flower and say a few gentle. I think that this is such a sex game, passing from generation to generation, associated with public facilities. They have to turn out for centuries and can conduct a quick test to make sure that it is so.

- Without warning, remove the kitchen, wash dishes, cook dinner - all that before she did. 100% pizdyuley get that cup is not in place, the food is tasteless.
and generally do not go to the kitchen.
- Make your mother-in-law praised. First, it will cause a storm of positive emotions, but then get trandyuley and constant attempts to remove you from your mother. ' My dear, I 'll go to a mom - you certainly do not want to same. '.
- Make sure employees at work tables, men and women. If you would not know who it is, could you tell who is sitting at the table: a man or a woman?.
- Ask the maid does not take out the garbage, and under the desk of each employee, put a separate trash. It is not always the first report on a crowded trash the one who is filled with fast. And the floor is not in any way dependent.
- Check and clean the house cup only his. But immediately after use. The effect is always different and interesting.
You can add a number in the comments. ).

Personally, I am of the opinion that the significant differences between the sexes is not. And not a man wants more, and he who has accumulated more than hormones. And the more accurate the one who was brought up. And the children - not someone else's property, as independent units, which should just get help on the wing. I would like for equality. Including in the psyche.

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