Monday, April 16, 2012

Best Gifts for Children

Just to mention, that we are talking about children 3-6 years. On the other age groups is much simpler: from 12 years to give more money and have the opportunity to choose ( with the wrong choice) the most. From year to three gifts made ​​signal - simple and colorful toys that drags a toddler is solely because of their notes, and distinguished from others - play a game at that age is not the case, a child just learning to play by copying other children. Prior to the year, my deep IMHO all gifts must be done solely for the children of the parents, the very child of all these birds and the bears do not care deeply.

But years from three, and sometimes with two starts social life: children begin to communicate on the site, go to the garden. And there is the normal competition for social status. Since the attributes of luxury kids are indifferent: to distinguish the cost of suit from a suit they still can not - this piskomerka for moms on the bench acts, then they face off the right toys. The key word - necessary. Here it is understood social meaning of the word: the ability to use the toy and the desire to use it.

The toy can be superkrutoy, but how to play it hard to understand even a Ph.D.. This toy will be quickly on the bench next to her mother. Here is a simple and clear the ball will be used for the past five to seven minutes of being on the court, if there is more than willing to play it.

But envy is the subject of this, oddly enough, toys for one. For example, my sonny raved shovel full. Managed properly she did not know how, but growth of a shovel with him filled his mind - it was also 5 times more scoop.

No less a factor is the ease of use: of course, a cool car model the size of a palm with a lot of doors and levers is amazing any. But only for five minutes. And here's a simple Chinese truck body, where a lot of room to fit blocks and dolls will last much longer - because he knows how to ride and he has a body. There is nothing else to perform the main functions of the truck and not have to. Fuck doors and steering wheel, if the main thing - and distribute the transport. All the rest is for geeks.

Surprisingly quickly lose the competition for the attention of the child and the toys ' can do everything myself ' - all there samoezdyaschie trains, dolls, roads, etc.. It is simply not interested. When the game requires you to just watch - it's incredibly boring. If you expand the railway - five minutes on the rails laid Dolls. Because just riding the train - it is boring, but the clash - have fun. The game should give the child an opportunity to express themselves directly involved.

But do not think that will give the designer the opportunity. All of these interest - to-assemble complex structures appears much later - in 8-10 years. Sometimes even later. Motor skills in children at preschool age frail, almost no surround thinking - what the designer here. It's boring. But the simple assembly of a la Lego is quite capable kids. However, do not expect that they will build a castle - they simply connect blocks with each other.

The Chinese, without knowing it, make ideal children's toys. They mindlessly copy the best Western models, trimming them in terms of functionality. As a result, we have clear and simple affordable toys that your child is trafficked by more than one hour. And put it in a bag in the garden is not at all sorry - the price of a penny -.

Still, kids are cruel, and every child should have a fetish, which put children's community for a place in their claims. There does not really need any subtle gestures, the child is well tell myself what to buy. In my time, had his fetishes, his daughter it was the ' baby boom ', then ' motorcycle '. The younger - Robot transformer - soon there will be a collection of. No matter what these toys to play no one will be - it is important that 1) they were, 2) children in the garden and courtyard knew about it.

Devote a separate paragraph toys. so. Kids fuck they did not give up. Yes, some children are happy to solve puzzles, draws pictures with some twist, collect puzzles. But it's still a game. for parents. If no one will deal with these things with your child, they are doomed to stay in a dusty corner of the. If the parents are engaged in a game with a baby - safely buy. No - spend the money on candy.

Children are not so important is your toy, as your attention. It is necessary to join a game, toy, attention - as you will see this child orgasm. And it's worth it. And not too difficult to achieve. Sometimes, the child should be so little. You just have to listen to him.

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