Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Unwritten rules of management.

Learn to say ' I do not know'. Learn how to use this phrase at the right time and you will be doing this often.

How many times have you been in meetings where everyone thought it necessary to speak, even if they really had nothing to say. Yet the silence - gold, especially in such a situation.

If you are asked to participate in the discussion and you have nothing to say or you do not know the answer, just say ' I do not know'. Maybe you need to know the answer, but if you do not know, say so. Prepare a response for the next meeting. Even better, if you do call to prepare a response.

I believe that if you do so, then earn the respect his honesty and sincerity. Nobody expects that you should have answers to all possible questions.
We've all been in that position, and more than once will. ' I do not know ' - the word is potent, especially if applied to the site.

DW. ' I do not know ' - a strong argument, but ' I do not know now, but I will give an answer to such a date ' - is much stronger, especially if you always keep a promise. In general, as will be seen further rules, especially the thirteenth Swenson said that ...

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