Thursday, March 22, 2012

Most viral 2007

The largest number of viruses in the history recorded in 2007. , Said ...

The report ... was ... The number of threats for 2007. has more than doubled.

... ...

Analysts from the ... The situation will not change - and the number of malware has doubled.

According to the company, one of the major issues of 2008. will be DoS-attacks as a means of political and competitive.

Continue the evolution of malicious software from single applications to complex, interacting with each project. A malicious program will be distributed together with games and software in the file-sharing networks.

According to analysts, ... the percentage of spam in mail traffic averaged 79.2%. The volume of spam during the year grew about twice as. The first and second place for spam in 2007. belonged to the United States and Russia, respectively, and third place was taken by Poland, said in a statement.

An important trend in the development of spam ... These messages reach millions of users for 15-30 minutes.

The specialists of ... remain high, as in the last quarter of 2007. , And spammers will increase the speed distribution and increase the number of letters.

stfw. ru.

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